Entry #1 (Once Upon a Time...)

        Fairy tales and fantasy realms have always enticed me, from adolescence to now. So when I was reading through McDaniel's first year seminar options, "From Grimm to Disney" immediately caught my eye. I adore the intricate, yet simplistic organization of traditional and modern fairy tales alike. My fascination with the history and the current takes on classics such as Cinderella and The Frog King drove me to choose this interesting class for my freshman year of college.
        In this first year seminar, I hope to gain more knowledge on the original stories that transformed into such well known movies and books today. I also hope to learn more about the Grimm Brothers and their fascinating history.
        I remember the first time I watched Beauty and the Beast, I was sitting on the floor with my little sister, absolutely entranced by the beautiful princess on the screen that loved books just as much as I did. I related to her instantly, and that was truly like one of those magical moments they mention in the books. From then on, my brunette, book loving self fell in love with Disney's Beauty and the Beast, but specifically Belle; the strong, educated female that starred in it. Her perseverance and love for family inspires me to this day.
        Fairy tales, as well as the magic and mystery that surround them, have the ability to impact people of all ages. It's interesting and beautiful to witness just how powerful words on a paper can be, and by taking this seminar, I hope to learn a little bit more on how the Grimm Brothers made that possible.


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