Over the course of this semester, I have delved deep into the world of magic, mystery, love, and even horror to learn more about fairy tales and their origins. The Grimm Brothers, Wilhem and Jacob, worked through poverty and death to record these household stories that many of us are familiar with today. Without their hard work and dedication, some of these famous tales could have been lost with time. Some of the Grimm Brothers' most well-known tales include, "Little Red Cap", "Cinderella", "Briar Rose", and "Hansel and Gretel", which all contain hidden meanings and motifs that have influenced the lives of children growing up all over the world. Fear was a very popular tactic in these tales, used to shape children into well-behaved citizens with villains like Mother Gothel, robber bridegrooms, and even wolves.

I read these stories myself, growing up. I learned not to talk to strangers through "Little Red Cap", not to give into temptation from "Briar Rose", and to never give up hope through "Cinderella". I have learned so much more, however, now through learning the much deeper meanings of some of these tales. The application of psycho-analysis, religious-analysis, and feminist-analysis, along with many others encouraged me to look closer at these stories and sometimes found an even darker truth underneath the happy endings and love.
Through this semester, I have learned so much about the interpretations and truths behind the masks some of these tales hold. While this class is almost over, however, I do not believe my journey through understanding more about the Grimm fairy tales is over, but only just beginning.
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